Archivi Mensili: Febbraio 2014

WOD 26/02/14

STRENGTH every 2’min squat clean e jerk 5-3-3-2-2-1-1-1rm METCON amrap 5′ squat clean e jerk 70/50 immediately after wod: 100 du – 200 u TABATA double tabata row for cal

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WOD 25/02/14

STRENGTH every 90″sec for 5 rnds 3 push press 5 pullups METCON amrap 5′ 15 wallball 15 ttb rest 90″ amrap 5′ 15 kb.a swing 15 burpees

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WOD 24/02/14

STRENGTH emom 5′ deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 (don’t drop from top) METCON 3 rnds 15 deadlift 15 db shoulder press

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WOD 20/02/14

METCON 5 rnds 7 barbell farmers walk 20 medball get ups CORE: 30’on/30’off for 5 rnds: row ttb

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WOD 19/02/14

STRENGTH 5 rnds on the 90″ sec: squat clean thrusters 5-5-3-3-3 METCON death by….(every minutes start new rnds,remaining time is rest) 5 thrusters 40/30 5 c2b pullup/pullup PENALTY if under 5 rnds 750mt row if under 7 rnds 500mt row

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BW STRENGHT 15’min to find max 1 rep of each: weight strict dips 5-3-3-1-1-1 weight strict pullups 5-3-3-1-1-1 METCON amrap 20′ 20 wallball 20 pullups 20 oh walking lunges 20 sit up

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WOD 17/02/14

STRENGTH emom 10′ odd:split jerk even:ring pushups METCON amrap 10′ 5 shoulder to overhead 50/35 10 deadlift 15 box jump

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WOD 14/02/14

STRENGTH 5 rnds – (90″ each rounds) 1 squat snatch + 1 hang squat snatch + 1 overhead squat METCON AMRAP 10′ 60 lateral burpees 30 overhead squat 40/30 10 muscle up or jump muscle up

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WOD 13/02/14

PRE-WOD team x2: 10 x shuttle sprint with dumbell (change each reps and down and up before reps) METCON tabata angie pullups push up abmat sit up air squat score:total reps each rounds

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WOD 12/02/14

EMOM (ogni 2 minuti) deadlift 5-3-3-1-1-1rm METCON 5 rnds 12 deadlift 80/50 12 t2b 12 hr. push up

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