METCON 5 rnds 6 deadlift 6 hang clean 6 front squat 6 push press 6 hr. push up
METCON 5 rnds 6 deadlift 6 hang clean 6 front squat 6 push press 6 hr. push up
STRENGTH thrusters 8-5-5-3-3-1 rest 90″ METCON 3 rnds 400 mt run 21 kb.swing 12 pullups
STRENGTH emom 5′ 5 front squat 70% 1rm METCON 5 rnds 3 p.clean 90/65 – 70/45 10 burpee pullups
FOR TIME: 80 DU – 160 U 20 medball v-up 40 DU – 80 U 40 toes to bar 20 DU – 40 U 60 sit ups CASH OUT: 50 r.swing 32/24
METCON 3 rnds 1′ each station wallball 20″rest sumo deadlift high pull 20″rest box jump 20″rest push press 20″rest row
STRENGTH deadlift 5-5-5-3-3-3 90″rest METCON amrap 12′ 1 push press (50/35) 1 burpees 2 push press 2 burpees 3 push press 3 burpees….
STRENGTH push press 5-5-3-3-1 METCON 3 rnds 50 air aquat 7 burpee pullups 10 hang p.clean 60-45
AMRAP 4′ 400 mt run then in the remaining time kb.snatch (24/16) 2’REST AMRAP 4′ double unders 2’REST TABATA row for cal