Archivi Mensili: Luglio 2014

WOD 31/07/14

METCON amrap 10′ 30 double under 10 p.snatch 35/25 kg CASH OUT: 3 rnds 20 mt walking lunges 20/15kg 15 weighted sit up 10 dumbell push press

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WOD 30/07/14

STRENGTH emom 5′ 5 squat snatch (tng) METCON for time: 20 thruster 10 pullup 20 p.clean 10 burpees 20 jerk 10 box jump

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WOD 29/07/14

STRENGTH 5×5 ogni 90″ sotts press METCON 21-15-9 ttb box jump deadlift 100-70 kg

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WOD 28/07/14

STRENGTH emom 10′ 2 snatch METCON 3rft 50 squat 7 muscle up 10 hang power clean

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WOD 23/07/14

STRENGTH emom 5′ 5 squat snatch (tng) -60% METCON tabata (20″on – 10″off) pullup pushup situp squat 1′ rest each tabata

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WOD 22/07/14

STRENGTH emom 8′ 10 ttb + 20 du METCON 3rft 500 mt row 12 burpees 21 box jump

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WOD 21/07/14

STRENGTH 5 sets ogni 90″: squat clean + pause front squat + jerk METCON for time: 10-8-6-4-2 squat snatch (50-35) (40-25) 50 du every sets of snatch

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WOD 17/07/14

STRENGTH emom 10′ odd: 3 each side kb.snatch even: 6 double kb.thrusters METCON 5 rft 5 jerk 50-35 kg 10 box jump over

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WOD 16/07/14

STRENGTH big clean complex 3 sets of: 3 position squat clean + push press 3 position squat clean + push jerk 3 position squat clean + split jerk (1 sets consists of all 12 reps) METCON 2rft 12 ohs (40-25)

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WOD 15/07/14

METCON amrap 15′ 6 hspu 12 kb.swing 24/16kg 200 mt run cash out: 500 mt row – rest 3′ 500 mt row – rest 3′ 300 mt row – rest 1′ 300 mt row

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