Archivi Mensili: Agosto 2015

WOD 28/08/15

STRENGTH every 90″ for 5 sets 2 snatch pull + 1 squat snatch METCON ladder 7′ hang power snatch burpees 3/3 – 6/6 – 9/9 – 12/12….. REST 3′ amrap 7′ 15 wallball 30 double unders

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WOD 27/08/15

Strength: A) Back Squat EMOM 1 back squat – min 1 2 back squat – min 2 … till failure – weight should be 50% of 1RM/ taken from the ground. MetCon 18 Min AMRAP 500m Row 25 Pull ups

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WOD 26/08/15

METCON for time: 400 mt run 50 squat 40 slamball 30 situps 400 mt run 40 squat 30 slamball 20 situps 400 mt run 30 squat 20 slamball 10 situps

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WOD 25/08/15

STRENGTH front squat 5-4-4-3-2 METCON emom 16′ odd: 5 c2b pullup + 5 ttb even: 5 hspu + 5 burpees

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WOD 24/08/15

STRENGTH squat clean 3-3-3-3-3 METCON 4rft 10 power clean 20 box jump 30 double unders

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WOD 12/08/15

STRENGTH back squat 3-3-3-3-3 METCON 4rft 500 mt row 20 shoulder press 20 ring dip

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WOD 10/08/15

STRENGTH push jerk 5-5-5 METCON 1′ double unders 1′ l-hold 1′ kb.push press 4′ amrap front squat 1′ double unders 1′ l-hold 1′ kb.push press

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WOD 07/08/15

METCON for time: 8 deadlift 7 power clean 6 snatch 8 pullup 7 c2b pullup 6 bar muscle up 6 deadlift 5 power clean 4 snatch 6 pullup 5 c2b pullup 4 bar muscle up 4 deadlift 3 power clean

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WOD 06/08/15

STRENGTH emom 8′ 2 high hang power clean + 2 hang power clean + 1 power clean (50%1RM) METCON for time: 25-20-15-10-5 wallball power clean 200 mt run every sets.

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WOD 05/08/15

GYMNASTIC STRENGTH emom 8′ 30″ ring dip hold 30″ rest 30″ wall handstand hold 30″rest METCON for time: 200 double unders 30 front squat 30 burpees 800 mt run

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