STRENGTH deadlift 5-4-3-2-2 METCON 2 rnds 20 cals row 50 air squat 20 ttb 5 muscle up
STRENGTH deadlift 5-4-3-2-2 METCON 2 rnds 20 cals row 50 air squat 20 ttb 5 muscle up
STRENGTH overhead squat 3-3-3-2-2 METCON amrap 12′ 3 power clean 3 hang squat clean 3 thrusters 30 double unders (BARBELL COMPLEX UNBROKEN)
STRENGTH hang power snatch 3-3-3-2-2 METCON 4 rnds 300 mt row 10 slamball 10 ring row 10 hr.pushup
STRENGTH back squat 5-4-3-2-2 METCON amrap 15′ 15 wallball 10 burpee box jump over 5 power clean
STRENGTH power clean 3-3-3-2-2 METCON for time: 500 mt row 50 push up 100 double unders 800 mt run
METCON amrap 12′ 5 power clean e jerk 7 deficit hspu 15 wallball 3’REST amrap 5′ 10 burpee box jump 10 c2b pullup
GYMNASTIC STRENGTH emom 12′ 30″on – 30″ off 1. top of pullup hold 2. top of ring dip hold 3. l-sit hold 4. handstand hold (facing wall) METCON buy in: 30 jumping lunges for time: 800 mt run 20 front…
STRENGTH every 90″ for 12 min 1 hang snatch + 1 snatch METCON emom 12′ (45″on – 15″off) 1.max reps double unders 2.max reps push ups 3.max reps russian double kb.swing