WEIGHTLIFTING every 90″ for 15 mins 3 power clean (tng) WOD 3-6-9-12-15-12-9-6-3 a.swing box jump
WEIGHTLIFTING every 90″ for 15 mins 3 power clean (tng) WOD 3-6-9-12-15-12-9-6-3 a.swing box jump
STRENGTH in 10′ push press 1RM THEN: amrap push press 70% WOD amrap 12′ 40 double under 20 dumbell jumping lunge 10 slam ball
STRENGTH 9′ front squat 1RM then: amrap front squat 70% 1RM WOD 3 rnds 400 mt run 21 hang power clean 6 ring muscle up
STRENGTH 3rnds -not for time- 40/60 double unders 10/15 toes to bar strict 10 mt handstand walk WOD amrap 20′ 400 mt run max rep pullup SCORE: rep pullup
STRENGTH emom 18′ 1° 5 deadlift 70%1rm 2° 5 tall box jump WOD amrap 5′ burpees box jump over
STRENGTH emom 12′ 2 push press (increase weight every 3′) WOD 50-40-30-20-10 double under toes to bar
STRENGTH emom 12′ 2 front squat (increase weight every 3′) WOD amrap 12′ 150 wallball 90 double unders 30 muscle up
WEIGHTLIFTING emom 12′ 1 power clean e jerk (increase weight every 4′) WOD amrap 12′ 50 double under 25 toes to bar 15 push jerk
WEIGHTLIFTING 1 power snatch (every 30″ for 10 mins) WOD 3rnds 15 overhead squat 400 mt run
STRENGTH emom 12′ 2 push press (increase weight every 3′) METCON amrap 12′ 3;6;9;12;15;18… deadlift hspu