Archivi Mensili: Maggio 2016

WOD 31/05/16

STRENGTH every 2′ for 10′ 5 push press (70%) WOD 5rnds 7 shoulder to overhead 7 pullup 7 burpees over the bar

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WOD 27/05/16

STRENGTH emom 12′ 2 push jerk (increase weight every 3′) WOD in 10′: 800 mt run then: amrap 5 deadlift 10 handstand push up 15 burpees

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WOD 26/05/16

STRENGTH emom 12′ 2 power clean (tng) WOD 3 rnds 50 air squat 7 bar muscle up 10 hang power clean

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WOD 25/05/16

ENDURANCE for time: 1000 mt row WOD 25-20-15-10-5 a.swing box jump after each set: 200 mt run

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WOD 24/05/16

STRENGTH every 2′ for 10 min 5 push press (60/65%) (3″pause in dip) WOD for time: 100 double under 25 alt. db snatch 50 ttb 25 alt. db snatch 100 double under

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WOD 23/05/16

STRENGTH every 3′ for 15′ 5 front squat (60/65%1rm) WOD amrap 12′ 7/4 strict pullup 12 front rack lunges (every 2′ 3 burpees)

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WOD 20/05/16

STRENGTH 3 rnds 20 bulgarian split squat with dumbell 100 mt waiters walk WOD amrap 12′ 7 ring muscle up 10 push jerk 1 rope climb

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WOD 19/05/16

STRENGTH emom 12′ 2 hang power clean (increase weight every 3 min) WOD 3 rnds 20 kb. snatch 20 front rack lunges

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WOD 18/05/16

GYMNASTIC STRENGTH emom 12′ 1° – 9/12 v-up 2° – 15/20 push up 3° – 30″ ring hold WOD 7 rnds 7 overhead squat 27 double unders

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WOD 17/05/16

STRENGTH every 3′ for 15′ 5 front squat 65/70% (3″pause in bottom) WOD amrap 12′ 18 a.swing 15 box jump 12 burpees

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