STRENGTH A)build to a heavy single in 9′ push press B)load the bar to 70% and complete as many unbroken reps as possible WOD 5 rnds 15 wallball 15 box jump over BUY OUT: 400 mt run
STRENGTH A)build to a heavy single in 9′ push press B)load the bar to 70% and complete as many unbroken reps as possible WOD 5 rnds 15 wallball 15 box jump over BUY OUT: 400 mt run
STRENGTH push press 3-2-2-1-1-1-1 WOD amrap 12′ 15 a.swing 12 pullup 9 db press
STRENGTH back squat 1×20 – 70% WOD amrap 18′ 250 mt row 20 wallball 20 a.swing
GYMNASTIC STRENGTH emom 12′ 1° 4/8 strict c2b pullup 2° 6/12 strict hspu 3° 10/16 pistols squat WOD time cap 12′ 800 mt run in the remaining time: amrap 10 lunges 10 c2b pullup
STRENGTH emom 12′ 2 hang power snatch WOD amrap 12′ 25 double unders 10 burpees 1 manmakers
STRENGTH front squat 3-3-3-3-3-3 WOD amrap 10′ 7 front squat 60%3rm 14 ttb
STRENGTH emom 12′ 1 hang power snatch (increase weight every 3′ min) WOD FOR TIME: 42 a.swing 21 burpees 30 a.swing 15 burpees 18 a.swing 9 burpees 12 a.swing 6 burpees
STRENGTH deadlift 3-2-2-1-1-1-1 WOD buy in: 750 mt row 3 rnds 15 ttb 12 push up h/off 10 reverse lunges
STRENGTH emom 12′ 1° – 1 push press (3″pause) 2° – 1 push press WOD emom 15′ 1° 50 du 2° 10 c2b pullup 3° 10 alt. db snatch