Archivi Mensili: Febbraio 2017

WOD 27/02/2017

STRENGTH every 2’30” for 3 sets 10 front squat WOD 3rnds 350 mt row 30 jumping squat 20 a.swing 10 burpees (1′ rest each rnds)

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WOD 24/02/2017

WOD amrap 3′ buy in: 75 double unders 15 deadlift 80/55 15 burpees over the bar 3’REST amrap 3′ buy in: 75 double unders 10 deadlift 100/70 10 burpees over the bar 3’REST amrap 3′ buy in: 75 double unders

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WOD 23/02/2017

WOD amrap 5′ burpee box jump 2’REST amrap 4′ power clean 70/45kg 2’REST amrap 3′ 400 mt run 2’REST amrap 2′ wallball 2’REST amrap 1′ pullup

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WOD 22/02/2017

GYMNASTIC STRENGTH emom 12′ 1° 30/50 double unders 2° 10/15 ttb WOD 5 rnds 10 sumo deadlift high pull 10 lunges 10 goblet squat 10 a.swing 32/24kg

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WOD 21/02/2017

STRENGTH every 2′ push press 5@60% 3@70% 2@80% 1@85% 1@90% 1@95% 1@100% WOD amrap 12′ 12 push press 55%1RM 12 c2b pullup 200 mt row

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WOD 20/02/2017

STRENGTH every 2′ front squat 5-60% 3-70% 2-80% 1-85% 1-90% 1-95% 1-101% WOD amrap 10′ 12-10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10-12 front squat 50%1rm burpees over the bar

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WOD 17/02/2017

GYMNASTIC STRENGTH emom 12′ 1° 30″ hollow hold 2° 30/50 double unders 3° 4/8 strict pullup WOD 5 rnds (90″ on / 90″ off) 12 db snatch 12 box jump max reps burpees

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WOD 14/02/2017

STRENGTH every 90″ for 12′ 2 push press 80% WOD 5 rnds 10 a.swing 32/20kg 10 cal row 10 ring dip

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WOD 13/02/2017

STRENGTH every 90″ for 12′ 2 front squat 80% WOD amrap 14′ 7 bar muscle up 50 wallball 100 double unders

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WOD 10/02/2017

STRENGTH every 2′ for 12′ 3 front squat 75% WOD amrap 12′ 100 wallball 90 double unders 30 muscle up

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