Archivi Mensili: Luglio 2017

WOD 31/07/2017

STRENGTH every 3′ for 12′ 7 front squat 73%1rm WOD 7 rnds 7 front squat 50/30kg 7 box jump 7 ttb

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WOD 28/07/2017

STRENGTH in 12′ find 1RM snatch WOD in 12′: 800 mt run then: amrap 12 db.snatch 10/7 ring dip

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WOD 27/07/2017

WOD 6rnds 30″ max cal row 30″ rest 30″ max reps pullup 30″rest CORE emom 12′ 10 russian twist 10 sit up weighted 30″ hollow hold

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WOD 26/07/2017

STRENGTH every 2′ for 10′ 5 deadlift 70/75% WOD amrap 15′ 75 double unders 15 slamball 15 a.swing

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WOD 25/07/2017

STRENGTH every 3′ for 12′ 7 push press 70% WOD for time: 40 cal row 35 box jump over 75/60cm 30 thrusters 50/30kg

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WOD 18/07/2017

STRENGTH every 3′ for 12′ 8 push press 65% WOD for time: 40 a.swing 24/16kg 20 push jerk 60/40kg 30 a.swing 15 push jerk 20 a.swing 10 push jerk 10 a.swing 5 push jerk

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WOD 17/07/2017

STRENGTH every 3′ for 12′ 8 front squat 65% WOD amrap 6′ 18 wallball 12 pullup 4′ rest amrap 6′ 12 wallball 6 c2b pullup

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WOD 13/07/2017

GYMNASTIC STRENGTH emom 10′ odd: 4 strict pullup even: 10″hollow hold + 7 v-up WOD amrap 16′ 16 c2b pullup 48 double unders 16 alt. pistols

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WOD 12/07/2017

STRENGTH emom 12′ 1 power clean + 1 hang power clean (increase every 3′) WOD 3 rnds 1′ max cal row 1′ max db hang squat clean 1′ 200 mt sprint 1′ rest

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WOD 11/07/2017

STRENGTH every 3′ for 12′ 10 front squat 60%1RM WOD for time: 600 mt run 30 wallball 30 overhead lunges with plate 400 mt run 20 wallball 20 overhead lunges with plate 200 mt run 10 wallball 10 overhead lunges

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