EMOM squat clean 7×2-80% WOD 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 h.p.clean 70/45 down and up
EMOM squat clean 7×2-80% WOD 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 h.p.clean 70/45 down and up
EMOM shoulder press 3×10-75% WOD 50-40-30-20-10 wall ball sit up kb.sdhp
EMOM p.clean 7×2-75% WOD 21-15-9 p.jerk 50/30 burpees ttb CASH OUT 3 sets max rep ring dips 1’rest
EMOM f.squat 10×3-70% AMRAP 12′ 5 h.p.clean 50/30 10 walking lunges 50/30 (bar on the back)
EMOM squat clean 6×2 FOR TIME 30 du/60 u 6 p.clean 70/50 24 hspu 12 p.clean 60/30 16 hspu 18 p.clean 45/20 8 hspu TIME CAP 16′
skillturkish get up EMOM even: 5 burpees box jump over with kettlebell odd: 10 kb.a.swing
EMOM push press 5×3 5 RNDS 1 squat clean 2 power clean 3 hang power clean 4 push jerk 20 jumping jack 2’REST repeat for 5 rnds
EMOM strict pullup 6×4 AMRAP 16′ 5 weighted pullup 10 deficit push up 15 wallball
EMOM front squat 5×3 WOD 4 rnds (max reps) 1′ thrusters 45/30 1′ burpess 1′ deadlift 80/50 1′ sit up 1′ rest
EMOM sumo deadlift 5×2-80% 7 RNDS 7 deadlift 100/70 7 push up 1’REST 7 RNDS 5 p.clean 60/40 15 squat