STRENGTH every 90″sec for 4 sets 4 front squat METCON 10’min: 15-12-9 power snatch ttb in the remaining time: amrap: burpees box jump
STRENGTH every 90″sec for 4 sets 4 front squat METCON 10’min: 15-12-9 power snatch ttb in the remaining time: amrap: burpees box jump
TEAM WOD for time: 50 burpees 10 clean e jerk 75 box jump 10 clean e jerk 100 pullup 10 clean e jerk 75 box jump 10 clean e jerk 50 burpees (60-40) (50-30)kg
SKILLS amrap 10′ 35 du + 10 ohs (30-20kg) METCON amrap 7′ max reps of wallball 9/6kg EVERY MINS: 5 deadlift
STRENGTH emom 5′ 5 tng snatch METCON amrap 12′ 70 du 50 burpees over the bar 30 squat clean thrusters 10 mu
EMOM 15′ 5′: 4 power snatch (no tng) 5′: 2 power snatch (no tng) + 2 power snatch (tng) 5′: 4 power snatch (tng) METCON tabata of: ttb box jump row for cals 1 arm db snatch
AMRAP 8′ 3 muscle up 30 du REST 5′ METCON for time: 20 thrusters 20 power clean 20 shoulder to overhead 20 overhead squat 20 front squat EVERY MINUTES 3 BURPEES
SKILLS emom 10′ 5 strict pullup + 15 du METCON 21 pullup 21 thrusters 15 c2b pullup 15 thrusters 9 bar mu 9 thrusters
STRENGTH 5 sets every 90″: 1 hang power snatch + 1 hang squat snatch + ohs METCON amrap 10′ 10 wallball 30 double unders