Archivi Mensili: Gennaio 2016

WOD 29/01/16

STRENGTH every 2′ for 5 rnds 1 hang power snatch + 1 squat snatch + 1 overhead squat METCON amrap 12′ 12 medball v-up 6 push jerk 1 rope climb

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WOD 28/01/16

METCON for time: 15 hspu 15 deadlift 25 c2b pullup 25 a.swing 35 box jump over

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WOD 27/01/16

HEAVY DAY Strength Back squat 8@60% – 6@65% – 6×2@70% METCON 50-40-30-20-10 Double under Situp

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WOD 26/01/16

METCON “The chiefs” 5 rnds Amrap 3′ 3 power clean 6 pushup 9 squat Rest 1′

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WOD 25/01/16

strength push press 5×4 70% METCON amrap 9′ 7 power snatch 11 toes to bar

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WOD 22/01/16

METCON 10 rnds 15/10 cal row 5 thrusters 30″rest

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WOD 21/01/16

METCON Amrap 20′ 5 pullup 10 pushup 15 squat

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WOD 20/01/16

STRENGTH emom 10′ split jerk (behind the neck) METCON amrap 16′ 8 ring dip 10 clean e jerk 12 burpees over the bar

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WOD 19/01/16

STRENGTH every 1’30” for 10 rnds squat clean METCON 3rnds 1′ row 1′ box jump 1′ situps 1′ rest

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WOD 18/01/16

METCON 5 rnds 4 turkish get up 12 deadlift 24 double unders

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