FOR TIME: 20 thrusters 50/35 16 box jump 20 burpee over the bar 16 box jump 20 front rack lunges 16 box jump 20 ttb 16 box jump 20 pullup 16 box jump 20 ttb 16 box jump 20 front…
FOR TIME: 20 thrusters 50/35 16 box jump 20 burpee over the bar 16 box jump 20 front rack lunges 16 box jump 20 ttb 16 box jump 20 pullup 16 box jump 20 ttb 16 box jump 20 front…
WOD amrap 4′ 15-12-9 power snatch 35/25 burpees 4’REST amrap 4′ 12-9-6 power snatch 40/30 burpees over the bar 4’REST amrap 4′ 9-6-3 power snatch 50/35 burpee box jump
STRENGTH hang squat clean 5-3-2-1-1-1-1RM WOD 3 rnds 21 a.swing 15 pullup 9 hang power clean 60/40kg
STRENGTH shoulder press 5-3-2-1-1-1RM THEN: emom 6′ 3 shoulder press 70%1RM 3 strict chin up WOD amrap 5′ 100 du/200su in remaining time: 3,3;6,6;9,9….. stoh 60/40KG pullup 2′ REST amrap 5′ 100 du/200su in remaining time: 3,3;6,6;9,9….. stoh 50/30KG pullup
STRENGTH back squat 5-3-2-1-1-1 then: emom 6′ 3 back squat 70% + 3 box jump WOD amrap 10′ 10 wallball 10 box jump 10 ttb
STRENGTH emom 12′ 2 power clean (tng) (increase weight every 3′) WOD 15-12-9-12-15 hang power clean 60/40kg box jump pullup
GYMNASTIC ENDURANCE EMOM 12′ 1° 8/12 cal row 2° 30/50 du WOD 5 rnds 20 a.swing 24/16kg 20 wallball 9/6kg (every 2′ 5 burpees)
STRENGTH front squat 5-3-2-1-1-1-1-1RM WOD amrap 8′ 5 front squat 50%1rm 10 push up 15 ttb
STRENGTH push press 5-5-3-2-1-1-1-1-1RM WOD amrap 12′ 12 ring dip 9 shoulder to overhead 250 mt row